There’s less than 48 hours to go until I leave for Japan, I’m already packed and ready to go.
Apart from packing I’ve done very little preparation. I know where I will be staying, but I have no itinerary whatsoever, I’m pretty much going to wing it for just over a week. I’d planned on learning a bit of Japanese, but with the family issues recently that didn’t happen. I count to ten and say hello, that’s about it. I’m going to have to rely on the phrasebook I purchased and Google Translate on my phone. I have purchased a Japanese data sim with unlimited data, so should still be online during the trip.
Here is a recent video I did showing some of the stuff I will be taking with me.
Once I get there I plan on doing a daily post on the blog with some phone snaps and maybe a video or two, which will also be on the YouTube channel. If I can, I might do a couple of live videos too, so keep an eye on the blog and twitter for when these might be. If anyone reading this either lives or is also going to Japan at the same time, give me a shout on Twitter, maybe we can meet up.
I have put a photo walk up on for Saturday 17th in Kyoto, if anyone fancies that. Click here for details.